Israel's April pure electric car sales: BYD continues to lead sales

In April, BYD and Geely remained the two leaders in the Israeli pure electric vehicle market.

Image credits: CleanTechnica

Citing data from the Israel Vehicle Importers Association, CleanTechnica reports that BYD sold 1,377 BEVs in Israel last month, the only brand to sell more than 1,000 units a month. The majority of these were BYD Atto 3s, with BYD Tang selling nearly 100 units and BYD Han selling more than 150 units.

In terms of the overall Israeli new car market in April, BYD ranked fourth in sales, behind Hyundai (3,099 units), Kia (2,600 units) and Toyota (2,099 units).

Half of the Top 10 brands in BEV sales in Israel in April were Chinese brands, including Geely, Acer, Genworth and Celes, in addition to BYD. However, Skyworth and Celes, which ranked ninth and tenth, sold slightly less than 50 units in April.

For the first four months of the year, Israel sold 120,503 new vehicles, of which BEVs made considerable progress with 19,982 units sold, or a 16.6% share.

Image credits: CleanTechnica

BYD remains the top-selling BEV brand in Israel in the first four months, followed by Geely and Hyundai; Tesla sold 1,441 units in Israel from January to April this year, about one-fifth of BYD's sales. With the exception of BYD, Geely, Hyundai and Tesla, none of the other brands sold more than 1,000 units in January-April.

In terms of models, BYD Atto 3 is the main model of BYD, and BYD Tang and Han are expected to make greater contributions to the brand's sales in the future, despite their relatively high prices. In addition, some industry insiders believe that if the BYD Dolphin and Seagull will be launched in Israel, it may have a greater impact on the pure electric vehicle market landscape in Israel.

CleanTechnica reports that Geely will also bring more affordable models to the Israeli market. At the end of January this year, Aratou Motors held a brand launch in Israel to announce its official entry into the Israeli market, and the Aratou FREE was also launched for pre-sale at the same time.